Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini has always been a book concept to me. My only understanding of it never transcended beyond the pages of words written by Yoga Gurus/Masters. In modern society, especially in our city of Singapore, Kundalini is definitely not a household term.

This all took a drastic change during my last day of training in India, where I was blessed with a totally unexpected awakening. During the initial stage, it was a situation far from easy to handle because I was due to return to Singapore the very next day! I remember I was bewildered, scared and confused while waiting in the airport for my flight home.

For those who have never heard of the term Kundalini before, this may actually sound mystical, spiritual or even religious. Actually, it is simply a term used to describe the basic energy lying dormant in everybody's spinal root. This energy moves upwards in a spiral manner, thus named after the ancient snake goddess Shakti Kundalini.

Every human has this energy force - in varying degrees. The varying amount of energy may often determine the person's intelligence, articulation, artistic talents etc. However, this energy although present, is usually sleeping and inactive.

When there is an awakening, it means this energy is liberated. Awakening can take place safely via practice of proper sequential Yoga, or it may even be involuntarily as in the case of NDE (near death experience), extreme trauma, tailbone injury, awakened by a great spiritual master, being constantly in the presence of a strong master, or even raw foods alone!

In involuntary cases, it may be dangerous because this energy is tremendous but unguided - blind energy can hurt the host or others.

Proper Yogic awakening involves intensive cleansing through Asanas, Kriyas, Mantras and Pranayams. This is the safest route because the energy liberated can then be directed in the correct action, with purposeful alignment - for the greater good of mankind.

The first time I felt the spiral energy shoot up the spine, was when the Kundalini Master had her hands on me. It was an intentional awakening, although I had absolutely no idea how it would feel like. In fact, the moment she came near me, I felt a swaying from deep within. When she was laying her hands on my spine, I felt the urge to rock like a top!

Initially, I thought she was deliberately swaying me with her hands. I resisted to urge to sway and stilled my body, but the suppressment felt uncomfortable. After she left me and moved on to the next person in the yantra, there was a tingling feeling of cool electricity flowing up my spine in a circular manner.

After that meditation session, life was never the same. Immediately after the class, I had terrible diarrhea non-stop! I thought it was the food, so I stopped eating certain suspicious foods, but it continued. It was so wierd that I had to go even when it was just water I consumed! And all the while there is this swirling feeling within the stomach, the intestines, stopping just short of the heart.

It was not over yet. The diarrhea continued for 2 weeks after I returned to Singapore the next day! I had to deliberately eat blanched/lightly steamed vegetables at times in order to bring the energy down, slow the cleansing so as to sleep! And not to mention, I was so dissatisfied with the taste of cooked foods compared to fresh living foods.

Slowly, I made notes about my behavior, moods, appetites, character and Yoga progress through observations. Some of the records I've made included the following:

1) There was a heightened, almost unbearable state of awareness. It is also the same dimension that we can realise true bliss and pure love exist. It hurts to see people suffering, unhappy and troubled. Everything became so crystal clear, that it was painful to just Be. Although Swami told me to limit meditation to no more than 5 min each day, I exceeded that by far. Because meditation was the only portal of solace for me at that time.

2) I had a ferocious appetite, and started craving foods which I've never eaten in years. But once I see it, I lose the desire to eat it! And every time I was hungry and put something in my mouth, there is a feeling of nausea as if a energy force is exploding out of me. Now mind you, I was far from feeling sick. This is not the normal kind of nausea you feel when you are sick or having too much alcohol. It is more like a feeling of exhilaration, something like the time when I got my exam results and discovered I scored better than expected. Something like pleasantly nervous...

3) I had ridiculous amounts of energy - going without sleep for days but looking and functioning fine.

4) I had to do my Yoga practice every single day. My body cries for it, and every practice led me to firmer grounds, firmer beliefs, and more light. And day after day I seemed younger in the mirror! People start commenting that I looked younger than before I went India.

5) My dreams started to get more and more conscious.

It took me some time to consolidate my kundalini experiences, make sense of them and put them into writing.

What was happening, was simply the latent energy being unleashed, and started healing me from within. Deep physical, mental and especially emotional junk were uprooted and discarded for good. The Kundalini energy is simply my body's inherent intelligence released, and the first thing it does is to start cleansing and healing within me.

It was said that a diet of Raw Foods alone, can sometimes bring about the Kundalini awakening, although the person may be unaware of it.

Since the awakening in India I kept on practicing every day without fail. And as each day passes by, I started to be able to "feel" the energy rising from the spine root, and even move the energy around the body.

In Science, this is simply explained as the power of mind focus. The vibration of thoughts can be indicated in hi-tech measuring equipment. This is in essence, energy - and it is the same as the spiraling energy rising from the spine. There is nothing mystical, mysterious, religious or superstitious about it, so there is no need to feel scared of the rocking.

And as my body healed intensely on physical, mental and emotional levels, the diarrhea and nausea lessened and eventually disappeared.

My present experiences are incredibly beautiful -

1) I have never been so clear headed before in my entire life. I am so sure of what I am here in this life to do, and it is simply unimaginable to be living any other way.

2) Increasingly, I can sense vibrational fields of different people and places. Some company make me happy, cheerful and energised; while others make me tired, sleepy and frustrated. And then I slide back a few steps from the last I progressed. I already knew that energy is contagious, it is now much more intense than before, but the good thing is that I could recognize it straight away, and I'm learning to deal with it with harmony. My mission is to teach and share; how can I possibly live it if I have to live like a hermit in a cave?!

3) I can take in energy from people with high spiritual energy - eg whenever I speak to Swamiji on the phone, I can literally breathe in his voice! And with each breath I take I feel stronger. The same goes with some other friends who are aligned with their truth. It is like charging my handphone battery!

4) The latest discovery which blew me away is that - I can feel energy from blooming flowers! I was walking down some shops one day last week, and a sudden urge made me turn my head. I saw a florist and I just simply HAVE to buy some flowers, I just didn't know why. When I carried the bunch of chrysanthemums and sunflowers in my arms, I felt soooo drawn to them! I could not wait to smother my face in the blooms, I thought I'd went mad, and called Swamiji right away :) He simply laughed and said that its no shock because Life, Divine, Love, Truth, Light is all present in trees and flowers.

5) Sleep has become almost an adventure! I know distinctively that there are some really happening events going on in the other side. Right now, I'm slowly recalling more and more of the dreams, backwards style, by pulling out slowly the "events" in a reverse order. Pretty challenging, but definitely fun! And I'm absolutely convinced that there are many dimensions of Existence happening simultaneously. Time is an illusion - it is only a limit in this dimension. There is no such thing as time, start/end. In the other dimensions, we are all inter-related too, sometimes different relations, sometimes same as this dimension, some is doing different activities at a earlier or later "time", and some operating on entirely different and incredible universes - which is my personal favorite! Yes there are amazing, exhilarating worlds beyond our physical dimension.

Increasingly, I started to notice more and more people waking up to a deeper sense of living. More people are also feeling the pressures and disturbances of the Aquarian Ages, and until they discover what's within them, continue to be stuck in frustration. At the same time, there are "spiritual warriors" all over the world who are sprung up to join this pro-awakening campaign. They can be operating from all walks of life - businesses which truly deliver value, education for empowerment, kids development, healing, lifestyle, global protection, organic farming etc! It is both encouraging and delightful to watch out for these everyday!

To write these experiences of mine, it takes courage, total relinquishment of how the conventional world is going to see me, and a desire. A desire to unite and connect to all the awakened newbies of our planet. We are like the transitional workers, to ease the transition of the current system into a New Consciousness. In the new world, things will be absolutely different from how it is right now. Every being will be an empowered, dynamic, aligned and awakened spirit. I don't know how incredible it is going to be, but 1 thing I know for sure is that everyone can look everyone in the eyes deeply and genuinely, everybody will be able to connect and share the truth and the love.

(C) Copyright 2010 Linda Loo

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Easy Meditation to Relieve Mental Stress

Today’s world is one of stress, time constraints and anxiety. So many people are juggling between hectic work lives, providing for the family, and balancing family/social interactions.

We unknowingly accumulate stress, fatigue and mental pressure in our day-to-day lives. Over time, if not dealt with, these can lead to a low quality of life and even physical illnesses.

We cannot quit our city lives and migrate to the Himalayas; but we can definitely take action to relieve the mental pressure, while living harmoniously in this modern world.

First of all, let’s take a brief look at the characteristics of the human mind. Our mind has 3 basic dimensions – Past, Present and Future.

The Past dimension holds memories of our lives – our life stories, our achievements, our background etc. This dimension gives us the Power of Memory.

While the Past is necessary for us to function normally in society (have a name, a job, know who are our friends and family etc), it also serves as a breeding ground for worries and fears, stumbling blocks to success and self degeneration. Why is this so?

Most of the times, our minds are stuck in the Past dimension – bearing a grudge against somebody, fearing to take certain action due to bad experiences, comparing circumstances now and before, projecting expectations into the future etc. All these actions are examples of operating in the Past dimension, and while we always have to live in the present moment (it is all we have at anytime anyway!) stress is created.

People with minds living in the Past dimension are usually victims to their own ego and societal image. They are their own worst enemies because they constantly hold themselves up to the past images and achievements. The Past has events which make up an identity for us on Earth – we can call it False Identity for ease. Why False Identity?

Because, all that really ever matters, is who you are, at any given moment.
Why do all the Gurus and Spiritual Masters in the world teach us to live in the Present if we want to achieve bliss and joy?

Because in the Present dimension, and only in this dimension, lies the Power of Wisdom. In is only when we become fully connected to the Present, that we are guided by the Divine Light.

I call it Divine Light because it best resonates with me, most people use their own spiritual terms – God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha etc. To me, all religions originate from one True Source – Divine Light.

By staying in the Present, we erase all stress from holding up expectations, hating somebody, behaving unconsciously, we have excellent problem solving skills, and we eliminate fear. Such is the power of becoming one with the Moment.

The Future dimension holds the power of Imagination for us. This also has positive and negative categories – our imagination can be for the better or the worst. When we think and expect the future to hold danger for us, we live in fear and worry. We stop ourselves from taking certain action, and in most cases achieving the fullest potential.

How to start your day living in the full Present:

The moment you open your eyes in bed, do not rush to get up and jump into the usual flow of activities. Take 5 minutes to connect with your breath.

First of all, ask yourself this question “Who am I?”

You don’t have to be stressed at thinking of an answer; there is no right or wrong answer. The objective of the question is to bring your awareness to your true self.

Next ask “What is my purpose, what am I here to do?”

Again, this is supposed to be done in a relaxed and light hearted manner. And while you ask yourself these 2 questions, be aware of every single breath you take. Be aware of your heartbeat, your chest and stomach moving with each breath. This action brings you in sync and connection with your True Self. You will begin the day in a much calmer and stable manner, rather than just jumping out of bed and rushing into the day.

Another very good way to connect with the Present is to be with Nature. When surrounded by Nature, it is difficult not to be Present. Simply by watching a flower, a tree, or sitting quietly in a park looking at sunset will bring your full awareness to the Divine Truth.

This is also the Divine Light which created the world, everything around us and us! This Divine Light, as you will slowly discover later, is also part of you. We all have this Light in us somewhere.

When we begin to start everyday with full consciousness of our breath and being, it becomes easier to stay in the present, or return when the Mind wanders. And as we start to lead our lives more and more in the Present moment, life becomes less stressful, and much more dynamic.

(C) Copyright 2008 - 2010, Linda Loo

Yoga is Science

Yoga today has become a widely commericalized term. We see Yoga studios sprouting up, sometimes simultaneously all over the world, and big banners promoting slim, toned and fresh-looking celebrities. Yoga is now commonly accredited with weight loss benefits, sports recovery, stress reliever and occasionally healing of physical illnesses.

Is Yoga really all that the media and world made it out to be? Well, they are definitely not wrong. Practicing Yoga indeed helps an individual in achieving general wellness and release excess weight. But does it stop just here?

The real benefits of doing Yoga far exceeds all that described above. I would say that weight loss, reversing aging effects and alleviation of physical illnesses are only the “by-products” of doing Yoga.

The practice of Yoga originated from ancient Vedic Sanskrit traditions. When Man first discovered that he is much more than what he sees and feels in the physical dimension, he designed specific methods of breaking through the physical frontier through continuous research, experimentation and observation of nature. Over the generations, Yoga traditions and practices were handed down by word-of-mouth, from masters to disciples, and the wealth of knowledge expanded quietly. It was believed that Yoga practices were first used to achieve deep states of self actualization.

For those of you who are familiar with Yoga poses, you may find that some asanas resemble the positions of animals and even insects eg. cat pose, cobra etc. Old Vedic masters (and even ascetic Himalayan Yoga Masters today) drew inspirations from observation of Nature and animals in the wild, making notes of how they move, stretch and sleep, were able to create sets of asanas for Man to heal and rejuvenate. Actually, this should not come across as a surprise because, hey! Anyone notice that animals in the wild do not fall sick, get degenerative diseases and feel miserable? That’s because Nature has given all living things a terrific survival and rejuvenation systems well beyond the mundane understanding of any human mind. And that means you and I have one too!

Let’s take a brief look at some common traditional forms of Yoga. Hatha Yoga - which emphasizes physical postures and asanas perfection, engages the body fully. This, in Science, is viewed as physical exercise. And any exercise, as long as moderate and not too harsh on the body, is good for health.

Pranayama Yoga, which means breath energy works for healing, uses breathing techniques to manage body functions, emotions and wellness. Breath is something essential to every living thing; we need oxygen to live. By intentionally directing the oxygen intake frequency, speed and movement, we regulate our internal organs, metabolic and endocrine systems. It does not take a genius to tell that this is, in fact, intelligently using Science to manage our health for the better.

Now let’s look at Mantra Yoga - or chanting, perhaps most mistaken by many to be religious or superstitious. Before we jump to conclusions, let’s break it down and look closely. During chanting, you produce sound vibrations, at different pitches, volumes, keys and frequency. Each of the variations produce body vibrations at different body parts - internally. In other words, you are actually performing an internal massage for your organs when sound vibrations are used. These are no different from energy waves - which can be measured by energy calibrating equipment. Coupled with Sanskrit words with intention, (and by now we should all know that thoughts and intentions are measurable by quantum physics) these sound vibrations bring about harmony, peace and healing. The Sanskrit pronouncing sounds are nothing more than mere well meaning words eg. peace, consciousness, joy and bliss. There is absolutely nothing superstitious or religious about Mantra Yoga.

And what is the result of practicing all these combined with the power of concentration? Millions of people world-wide have experienced the healing benefits of doing Yoga, and more people today than ever are practicing. The “by-products” are weight management, radiant skin, a toned and beautiful body, emotional wellness, and anti-aging benefits. What else are we waiting for? :)

(C) Copyright 2008-2010, Linda Loo

Transformational and Healing Yoga

Transformational Yoga is a revolutionary type of Integral Yoga practiced with the simultaneous engagement of Asanas, Pranayams, Sound Vibrations and Concentration Focus to achieve intense detoxification benefits.

With varying intensity, duration and applied at different intervals, these 4 foundational methods are used altogether to help a person reach specific objectives ranging from weight loss to healing and even increasing concentration power.

Originally founded by Sri Swamiji Vidyananda, it has been used by many practitioners and Yoga Masters all over the world to achieve intense cleansing, healing and deepened self practice. A single practice can be short, but if creatively written, can bring about quick results.

On the physical dimension, Transformational Yoga can cleanse a person of food and environment toxins, achieve fat loss, increase metabolism and reverse aging. On deeper levels, it has been known to help many people heal from pain and ailments, as well as immense emotional balance.

Practiced correctly and conscientiously, Transformational Yoga can also bring about a Kundalini awakening. Various Yoga Teachers from different parts of the world experienced enhanced spiritual progress and heightened self practice with the help of Transformational Yoga. Many have also had their Kundalini energy awakened from practicing it.

A Basic Transformational Session involves integrating the 4 foundational practices in a specific sequence to achieve quick cleansing. Accumulated toxins (physical, emotional and mental) are released in just 1 single workout. As the major elimination systems gets unplugged, our metabolic rate gets a boost, digestive fire is restarted and the whole body is rejuvenated.

When one practices regular Basic Transformational under correct guidance, weight loss and anti-reversing benefits can be seen and felt in a matter of weeks. Massive detoxification takes place to and enable intense healing and rejuvenation.

Other types of Transformational Yoga include Power Transformational, Skin Transformational, Transformational for Pregnancy as well as Transformational for Spiritual Development etc. Each of these are different, and achieve different specific objectives. And even within each type itself, classes can be planned to suit various levels for students from different fitness backgrounds.

Transformational Yoga can be low intensity, or can be super high intensity. But an easy class does not mean that benefits are lesser. In fact, they are the same as a high intensity class or even more!

Because each flow is written intelligently to cleanse and activate specific energy bodies, every student’s practice is personal to himself/herself. Depending on the student’s seriousness and concentration, and the Teacher’s energy and guidance, benefits from 1 session alone can be obvious and long-lasting.

Contact us at today for our on-going Transformational Healing Workshops schedule.

(C) Copyright 2008-2010, Linda Loo

Top 10 Reasons Why Yoga Makes Me Happy

Do you know why I love to practice Yoga, and why I’m so passionate to teach Yoga?

Yoga simply makes me so happy - that every single time when I practice, I feel loved, secured, safe, joyful and blissful.

The saying “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” has many a time popped up in my head - during the times when I’m feeling lazy or groggy after a long day. This can be oh so true!

However without fail, I always carry out my practice. having the faith that it can only make me feel better and I’m gonna start singing again after even just 15min!

And the Universe has never ever disappointed me - time and time again my belief proved to be worthy of its faith.

These are some of the more common ones which I can identify all the time as my reasons for not missing a single day of Yoga: -

1) I can use my knees to press the lift with both my hands full of groceries

2) I can use my foot to open the fridge door with a tray in a hand and a large fruit in the other (can you imagine how much time I saved?)

3) I can now keep fit and toned WITHOUT worrying and dealing with the sports injuries I used to suffer from long distance running and wake-boarding. Honestly, doing Yoga now is all I need to maintain flexibility, stamina, body toning and spiritual well-being.

4) I don’t have to rely on machines for facial firming and lifting - because now my daily beauty practice includes specific Asanas to prevent wrinkles, pumps oxygen into and rejuvenates the face! I simply put on my home-made herbal face pack, and do the Head Stand, Wala!

5) I literally use Yoga to manage my emotions! Emotions are energy, and also a state of mind. We need to channel the bad ones, like fear, anger, pain, worry etc out of the mind and body, and Yoga is one of the quickest ways to achieve this purpose.

6) I don’t need to wear heels to look taller. Yoga stretches my joints so my muscles are standing tall and strong all the time! And I don’t need to worry about shrinking when I grow old because Yoga builds strong bones in me.

7) I don’t need to worry about losing hair because I can do poses which oxygenate my head, and also bring blood with nutrition into hair follicles.

8) I don’t need to spend money to buy different size clothes as I grow older because Yoga continues to regulate my figure and maintains it at optimal size.

9) I can wear shirts which I bought 10 years ago, because firstly I did not put on weight compared to my youth, and secondly I look young enough to pull of the same look! LOL :)

10) I simply LOVE it whenever I experience that sweet ache of stretching when I’m deeply in the posture, its so divinely enjoyable and delicious that I can almost drool… You’ve got to try it and then you’ll know what I mean!

What are YOUR reasons for practicing Yoga?

No reason?

It may mean its time to try it for yourself! As usual, don’t believe a word I say, but don’t discount me until you tried and tested it yourself :)

Light, Love and Lots of Laughter
(C) Copyright 2008-2010, Linda Loo

5 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibrations Instantly

Do you know we are nothing but vibrating particles of light? In essence, we are bodies of energies - energy vibrations which are unseen by the naked eye.

In Science, these can be measured in frequencies, and everybody have a different strength of vibration. There are higher and there are lower. The lower ones are usually associated with lower emotions like negativity, fear, insecurity, hatred etc; while higher ones are characterized by love, compassion, kindness, joy, forgiveness, openness and so on.

The rule of thumb generally is to try as much as possible to increase or maintain our own level of vibration, in order to stay aligned to our true purpose, and live a fulfilling life. The good news is that there are many variables which are within our control to achieve this goal.

1) Connect with Nature as often as you can
There is magic in Nature. Every time I step onto grass or ground with my bare feet, everything becomes peaceful, calm and quiet. The most insurmountable task becomes possible, the most disastrous calamity shrinks into a tiny glitch. Nothing is impossible upon surrendering to our Mother Nature Divine.
Once a day, or minimum once every 2 - 3 days, spend 5 min standing on earth, grass or the sea water with your bare feet. Touch your bare hands to a big tree, and just simply breathe. These vibrations in Nature are in harmony with our own natural vibrational frequencies. Our own vibrational strengths will be raised if they were low, and are further enforced if they are already strong.

2) Laugh and share a joke
“Respectable is he who brings humor without undermining another”. A good sense of humor is absolutely essential for raising vibration. Laughter is love - it comes from Divine. When people are sharing a good big laugh, they are in the moment of love, and truly in one with the higher Divine. The highest vibrational form of humor are those derived consciously and harmlessly - without hurting any other being.
One thing we need to be aware of is that energy is contagious. As long as you are human, whether you like it or not, your vibration field is directly affected by the people you interact with and hang out with most often. While this may not be best news if you are constantly surrounded by disharmonized energies, it is definitely possible to use this intelligently to your advantage.

3) Hang out with “The Brighter Guys”
When we say “Bright”, we don’t mean clever. We mean happy, cheerful, loving, giving and open people.
These folks remind you of the sun and the flowers when you see them. No matter where you come from or who you are, Divine always plant some of these people around you. I’m sure you’ll be able to identify them if you look carefully. Go hunt them out, and hang around with them. Share their day, a joke, or an apple with them - go rub some of that brightness onto yourself! :0
And then of course, you’ll find that you start to open up too. Each time you leave the company of a humor filled gathering, you’ll notice you end up happier, more open minded and braver. And very soon you may be shining as brightly as one of those light bulbs yourself!

4) Eat as much Raw Living Foods as Possible!
All living vegetables, fruits and greens have a different vibration aura as compared to processed, cooked and dead foods. What distinguishes a living food is its ability to grow into a plant/tree - ie. there is Life Force in it. These essence is NOT present in cooked foods because the Life Force is destroyed with heat. Cooked foods will never grow.

And it is this extraordinary element which gives a human body remarkable healing and rejuvenation powers.
When we eat a diet predominant in living foods, the total vibrational force coming from our being is stronger and bigger.

5) Practice Yoga, or any form of exercise for 30 minutes
Yoga is one of the best ways to increase your vibration instantly. Another way is through any exercise, a sport or fitness activity which can alleviate your heart rate, increase oxygen intake and improve circulation. Almost always after a good run, you feel good with endorphins and happy hormones cruising through your whole system.

So easy! What are you waiting for? Start today to increase your vibrational strength, so that you can go radiate and spread the loving energy to the world too :)
Happy Vibrating!

(C) Copyright 2008-2010, Linda Loo