Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Top 10 Reasons Why Yoga Makes Me Happy

Do you know why I love to practice Yoga, and why I’m so passionate to teach Yoga?

Yoga simply makes me so happy - that every single time when I practice, I feel loved, secured, safe, joyful and blissful.

The saying “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” has many a time popped up in my head - during the times when I’m feeling lazy or groggy after a long day. This can be oh so true!

However without fail, I always carry out my practice. having the faith that it can only make me feel better and I’m gonna start singing again after even just 15min!

And the Universe has never ever disappointed me - time and time again my belief proved to be worthy of its faith.

These are some of the more common ones which I can identify all the time as my reasons for not missing a single day of Yoga: -

1) I can use my knees to press the lift with both my hands full of groceries

2) I can use my foot to open the fridge door with a tray in a hand and a large fruit in the other (can you imagine how much time I saved?)

3) I can now keep fit and toned WITHOUT worrying and dealing with the sports injuries I used to suffer from long distance running and wake-boarding. Honestly, doing Yoga now is all I need to maintain flexibility, stamina, body toning and spiritual well-being.

4) I don’t have to rely on machines for facial firming and lifting - because now my daily beauty practice includes specific Asanas to prevent wrinkles, pumps oxygen into and rejuvenates the face! I simply put on my home-made herbal face pack, and do the Head Stand, Wala!

5) I literally use Yoga to manage my emotions! Emotions are energy, and also a state of mind. We need to channel the bad ones, like fear, anger, pain, worry etc out of the mind and body, and Yoga is one of the quickest ways to achieve this purpose.

6) I don’t need to wear heels to look taller. Yoga stretches my joints so my muscles are standing tall and strong all the time! And I don’t need to worry about shrinking when I grow old because Yoga builds strong bones in me.

7) I don’t need to worry about losing hair because I can do poses which oxygenate my head, and also bring blood with nutrition into hair follicles.

8) I don’t need to spend money to buy different size clothes as I grow older because Yoga continues to regulate my figure and maintains it at optimal size.

9) I can wear shirts which I bought 10 years ago, because firstly I did not put on weight compared to my youth, and secondly I look young enough to pull of the same look! LOL :)

10) I simply LOVE it whenever I experience that sweet ache of stretching when I’m deeply in the posture, its so divinely enjoyable and delicious that I can almost drool… You’ve got to try it and then you’ll know what I mean!

What are YOUR reasons for practicing Yoga?

No reason?

It may mean its time to try it for yourself! As usual, don’t believe a word I say, but don’t discount me until you tried and tested it yourself :)

Light, Love and Lots of Laughter
(C) Copyright 2008-2010, Linda Loo

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